Parental Assistance Needed ~ Thank You!
Sign-up for service will be handled via e-mail this year.
Please check your e-mail regularly for information about what kind of help is still needed
and to verify which spot you are signed up for.
Praise His Name With Dancing could not continue without the generous assistance of our parents. In order to ensure the safety of the children and the smooth flow of the rehearsal, the celebrations, and the receptions for our Christmas celebrations, every family with participating children is required to serve. With each family filling one of the spots on our charts below, it spreads out the work load per family during this busy time of year.
If you have a child in a class that needs an attendant, your family must provide a parent or responsible adult to serve as a Class Attendant. All class attendant positions must be filled first before parents from these classes may sign up for other responsibilities. For a description of the job, see the Class Attendant Instructions.
All other families, whose children's classes no longer need attendants, should sign up to serve by helping with refreshments, as seamstresses, or at the information table.
In addition, several parents per class are needed to serve as Garment Attendants. While we are very grateful for all those who are willing to serve as Garment Attendants, this service does not fulfill the mandatory requirement for each family serve in another substantial way during the weekend. Families are needed to double up being Garment Attendants with serving in other ways. For a description of this job, see Garment Attendant Instructions.
Be sure to check your most recent e-mails to see where help is still needed. Sign up to help by to sending an e-mail to Diana. Be sure to state your preferred day and time.
Thank you for all your help!
We couldn't do it without you!