Feel free to send an e-mail to diana@praisehisnamewithdancing.com.
Some of the comments will be posted on this page so that the students can read them and be encouraged in their efforts.
Dear Mrs. Hoffman,
I really enjoyed the show; it is always a blessing the way the Lord has something specific that is encouraging to me. The scales with her list of transgressions in one side and the drop of blood in the other side brought the tears to my eyes - what a beautiful visual reminder of our forgiveness and His love for us!
Thank you for all you've poured into each class and into the show. Blessings to you and your family!
Love in Him,
Kirsten C. (June 2009)
Hi Diana and Scott,
WOW!! What an incredible performance yesterday! Katie and Ellie loved it, and so did I! It was beautifully written, choreographed, and planned....Thanks be to God for using you both (as well as all of the dancers) in such powerful ways to impact His kingdom. Words just can't really express how awesome it was!
"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." ~1 Peter 4:10 We were all blessed by your faithful service so beautifully displayed in "Ashes to Beauty." Also, thank you for investing in the lives of our children! :-) God Bless!
In Christ,
David and Jennifer S. (June 2008)
Excerpts from an e-mail from a pastor to the members of his church about Praise His Name with Dancing:
Gideon's father, as an idolater, built an altar to worship Baal. But when God came to Gideon He told Gideon to tear it down and "build a proper kind of altar to the Lord Your God".
Judges 6:25-26 (NIV) 25 That same night the Lord said to him, "Take the second bull from your father's herd, the one seven years old. Tear down your father's altar to Baal and cut down the Asherah pole beside it. 26 Then build a proper kind of altar to the Lord your God on the top of this height. Using the wood of the Asherah pole that you cut down, offer the second bull as a burnt offering."
I love how Gideon took what was being used in the worship of idols and tore it down and reclaimed it in the worship of the True and Living God! This is very much like the Israelites "spoiling the Egyptians" as they left Egypt and later using that which they got from the Egyptians in the building of the Tabernacle and the worship of God. It is also much like the "sinful woman" in Luke 7 who anointed Jesus feet with perfume, perfume that had no doubt been used for other purposes in the past but was now being used in the worship and anointing of the Son of God.
Yesterday my family and I got to witness one of the most powerful presentations of the gospel we have ever seen or heard. It was at the Worship Dance concert that some of us went to with the Spragues, where their daughter, Melody performed (or rather I should say ministered). I cannot say enough how much we absolutely loved this presentation of the gospel through the art of dancing. The gospel was so powerfully presented and God was so clearly honored that it just made me rejoice in the Lord all the way through it, as did my whole family, as did those who came with us. My kids were literally on the edge of their seats all the way through it, 2 hours worth!
And I kept thinking how this was reclaiming the arts, reclaiming the art of ballet and dancing, and using it in worship of the True and Living God! The place was packed, several hundred people or more were there, and it was as if the fire of God descended upon all of us and created a groundswell of praise in our hearts to Almighty God for giving His Son, Jesus Christ.
It ... made me think, "I wonder what else is being used by the world that needs to be reclaimed for the worship of the True and Living God?" Gideon reclaimed an altar, the Israelites used in worship that which they got in Egypt, a sinful woman used perfume in the worship of Jesus, Melody and her peers reclaimed ballet and dance, what's next? Maybe God will raise up people from our midst who will be our next Gideon, our next Melody, and once again God will receive highest praise from that which was formerly used for other purposes. One day, everything will be reclaimed for the worship of God!
God-exalting, Christ-centered, Joy-filled,
Mike Cleveland (June 2008)
Ohio Valley Church
Dear Scott and Diana,
We attended the ballet Ashes to Beauty on Sunday, and we were so blessed. Thank you for all your hard work and the beautiful fruit in so many young lives. We love ballet, and we love the dance unto the Lord. Your presentation was one of the finest and most anointed of all we have ever seen. The expressions on their faces, the concentration, the older ones helping the younger, the joy and enjoyment, and the disciplined, practiced skill (of varying degree) was so beautiful. Oh, and the lovely costumes that were so appropriate and sweet. Another hearty applause!! We know these blessings and gifts come from the Lord, but it also takes faithful servants who will labor in the vineyard and preserve the beauty and innocence of the young.
We want to thank, bless, and encourage you as you continue serving the Lord.
Yours in Christ,
Lee & Claire W. (June 2008)
I was at your June worship through dance...I was moved to tears numerous times!! I cannot express how thankful I am to have experienced that performance with my 6 year-old daughter. I would love some information on the classes .... We have not been happy with ballet schools' reputation in general....I have been hesitant because of the often provocative moments taught and the stress to be thin that comes with ballet. After seeing your guys and girls perform, my fears have been relieved. I am praying that [my daughter can] join you in the fall.
Thank you again for teaching all those girls the joy of dance, modesty and worship!!
Sybil L. (June 2008)
Dear Friends in Christ,
It was my pleasure to attend the "Wedding Celebration" on Sunday afternoon. I was so blessed with the joy, dedication, and talent of the dancers. The choreography, props and costuming were outstanding too. It is good to know that there are so many gifted young people in this area who are using their gifts to glorify the Lord.
I will be looking forward to seeing more of your programs. Thank you for sharing with the community.
With joy,
Nancy S.
I just want to say again how beautiful the recital was. My only regret is I did not invite more people. As I sat through the recital the first time I just kept thinking about all those beautiful young people that are or will serve the Lord for their entire lives partly because of what they are learning with your company. That in and of itself is a true inspiration to me.
Again, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. It was soooo beautiful, and informative. And a great witness.
In His Name,
I went to the Celebration to see my nieces Gigi and Lily and I was truly in awe and humbled by the whole event.
God Bless.
Suzanne H. (June 2006)